The recent Coronavirus pandemic has affected all of our lives in countless ways. Everyone has had a different experience, and many new parents we hear from tell us of the joy of being able to spend more time at home with their family. However, their little ones being isolated from dearly loved grandparents has been a source of heartache, and it has at times been difficult to obtain important supplies. Nevertheless, things seem to be on a generally upward trend and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
One eagerly awaited development is the opening of more shops, with nearly all shops other than hairdressers and barbers (we feel your pain) starting to open from June 15. Many of us will be glad to be able to pick up sorely needed items when this happens, and no doubt there are some seriously good sales just around the corner. With childcare being more complicated and many parents eager to get life back to normal, many parents will be dusting off the buggies, prams and pushchairs for a venture to new frontiers. But how can you and your baby keep safe when shopping in the ‘COVID’ era? Today we share a few tips, which we have based on government guidelines.
- Consider how often you really need to shop. It’s great to be able to go to the places you’ve missed so much in lockdown but going to confined spaces where there are likely to be significant numbers of people is still a calculated risk. While the risk of catching the virus right now is very low, the more often you go out shopping, the greater the risk. Therefore it’s wise to plan ahead to get everything you need in a single trip, rather than making multiple small trips. By reducing the risk, you can enjoy yourself more.
- Wear a face-covering indoors, but under 2s should not wear one. Face masks and face coverings are very helpful at preventing the spread of droplets when people cough and sneeze, and also help us to avoid touching our face. In indoor spaces such as shops, they can be particularly effective. However, the government guidance states that children under 2 should not wear face coverings or face masks as this may result in choking or breathing problems.
- Try not to touch too many products. Although there are a number of changes being introduced to shops such as closing dressing rooms, we all like to take a good look at something before we buy it. This obviously means that we will be touching things that many others have already been in contact with. Therefore, try to reduce the number of items you touch in any shop, perhaps trying to view it as carefully as possible without touching it unless you are very interested in buying it.
- Wash your hands often. Carry lots of hand sanitizer and try to be conscious of washing your hands in between touching any items in shops and touching your baby. Perhaps a little obvious but it really is essential.
- Pay by card if possible. This reduces a key point in the shopping process where you will have to touch a potentially risky surface. Many shops that previously didn’t offer card payment have recently started allowing card payment and contactless meaning that avoiding touching unsanitised surfaces or money that has been through many hands is a lot easier.
- Stay calm, be positive. Babies can really tell whether we are stressed and reflect that, so while adjusting to these new circumstances is challenging, staying calm will really benefit your little one. If the thought of physically shopping is a little daunting right now, maybe it would be better to wait for a little until you feel more confident about it and carry on buying online where possible. Our baby clothes are a great example of gifts and essentials that can be delivered safely without leaving the home.
We hope these tips help you all, remember you’re doing a great job caring for everyone!
Take Care
The Little Blooms Team