How to write a new baby card: 4 TIPS

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The day has finally arrived and baby has made it entry to the world! With this special occasion comes a flurry of activity from friends and family, with gifts and cards pouring in on the new parents. You might also find yourself with the dilemma of what to buy to make your baby gift stand out (we’ve got other blogs for that) – but once that has been decided, what on earth should you write in the card? We’ve got a few tips to help you on your way.


1. Size matters


The bigger the card, the more space there is to fill! So if you aren’t too sure what to write, maybe opt for a smaller sized card. That doesn’t mean it won’t stand out, choose the right card and it can totally hold it’s own against its bigger competition. It could also be more appreciated by the new parents, who may have limited space on surfaces to display their cards, and they will also most likely be rushed off their feet without too much time to pore through everyone’s messages.


2. Choose who you are writing it to


Some like to write it just to the baby, others the parents, and others the whole family, but whoever you choose, make sure to get all of their names right!


3. Get off on the right foot


Now isn’t the time to be sharing parenting advice, discussing childbirth, and most definitely isn’t the time to discuss if they will be growing their family any further. Humour also needs to be carefully thought through if it will be used, as this is a unique time with emotions running high and sleep running low, so even your best humoured friends might be a bit more sensitive than usual. You could consider drafting the message before transferring it to the card so that you can re-read it to see if there’s anything that may be taken the wrong way while you can still change it.


4. Pick your message


Congratulations are definitely in order but beyond that, what can you say? This will depend on your relationship with the family – if you know them really well you could mention how proud you are of them; if you’re not quite as close, you could say how excited you are for them. If you’re likely to be able to visit at some point, then saying how much you can’t wait to meet baby for the first time is also a great thing to add. Also, mentioning how beautiful the baby looks if you’ve seen pictures of it is also a great way to make the parents feel happy. Also, if this is not their first baby, bear that in mind with what you write, and maybe include a reference or message to their older sibling(s).


We hope these tips can get you well on your way to writing the perfect New Baby Card! Remember, cards go best with gifts, and at Little Blooms we have a fantastic range of baby gifts to suit the occasion. Also, if you add a message when you place an order, we will automatically print this and enclose it with a matching gift card along with your gifts. That’s one less thing for you to think of!